Source code for CppHeaderParser.CppHeaderParser

# Author: Jashua R. Cloutier (contact via
# Project:
# Copyright (C) 2011, Jashua R. Cloutier
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
#   the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
#   distribution.
# * Neither the name of Jashua R. Cloutier nor the names of its
#   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
#   this software without specific prior written permission.  Stories,
#   blog entries etc making reference to this project may mention the
#   name Jashua R. Cloutier in terms of project originator/creator etc.
# The script is written in Python 2.4 and released to
# the open source community for continuous improvements under the BSD
# 2.0 new license, which can be found at:

from __future__ import print_function

from collections import deque
import os
import sys
import re
import io

import inspect

from .lexer import Lexer
from .doxygen import extract_doxygen_method_params

    from .version import __version__
except ImportError:
    __version__ = "devel"

version = __version__

# Controls error_print
print_errors = 1
# Controls warning_print
print_warnings = 1
# Controls debug_print
debug = 1 if os.environ.get("CPPHEADERPARSER_DEBUG") == "1" else 0
# Controls trace_print
debug_trace = 0

if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
    # `raise e from src_e` syntax only supported on python 3.3+
    exec("def raise_exc(e, src_e): raise e from src_e", globals())

    def raise_exc(e, src_e):
        raise e

def error_print(fmt, *args):
    if print_errors:
        fmt = "[%4d] " + fmt
        args = (inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno,) + args
        print(fmt % args)

def warning_print(fmt, *args):
    if print_warnings:
        fmt = "[%4d] " + fmt
        args = (inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno,) + args
        print(fmt % args)

if debug:

    class _debug_caller_lineno:
        def __str__(self):
            return str(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back.f_lineno)

    debug_caller_lineno = _debug_caller_lineno()

    def debug_print(fmt, *args):
        fmt = "[%4d] " + fmt
        args = (inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno,) + args
        print(fmt % args)


    debug_caller_lineno = None

    def debug_print(fmt, *args):

if debug_trace:

    def trace_print(*args):
        sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno))
        for a in args:
            sys.stdout.write(" %s" % a)


    def trace_print(*args):

#: Access specifiers
supportedAccessSpecifier = ["public", "protected", "private"]

#: Symbols to ignore, usually special macros
ignoreSymbols = ["Q_OBJECT"]


# Track what was added in what order and at what depth
parseHistory = []

def is_namespace(nameStack):
    """Determines if a namespace is being specified"""
    if len(nameStack) == 0:
        return False
    if nameStack[0] == "namespace":
        return True
    return False

_fundamentals = {

def is_fundamental(s):
    for a in s.split():
        if a not in _fundamentals:
            return False
    return True

def is_function_pointer_stack(stack):
    """Count how many non-nested paranthesis are in the stack.  Useful for determining if a stack is a function pointer"""
    paren_depth = 0
    paren_count = 0
    star_after_first_paren = False
    last_e = None
    for e in stack:
        if e == "(":
            paren_depth += 1
        elif e == ")" and paren_depth > 0:
            paren_depth -= 1
            if paren_depth == 0:
                paren_count += 1
        elif e == "*" and last_e == "(" and paren_count == 0 and paren_depth == 1:
            star_after_first_paren = True
        last_e = e

    if star_after_first_paren and paren_count == 2:
        return True
        return False

def is_method_namestack(stack):
    r = False
    if "(" not in stack:
        r = False
    elif stack[0] == "typedef":
        r = False  # TODO deal with typedef function prototypes
    # elif '=' in stack and stack.index('=') < stack.index('(') and stack[stack.index('=')-1] != 'operator': r = False    #disabled July6th - allow all operators
    elif "operator" in stack:
        r = True  # allow all operators
    elif "{" in stack and stack.index("{") < stack.index("("):
        r = False  # struct that looks like a method/class
    elif "(" in stack and ")" in stack:
        if stack[-1] == ":":
            r = True
        elif "{" in stack and "}" in stack:
            r = True
        elif stack[-1] == ";":
            if is_function_pointer_stack(stack):
                r = False
                r = True
        elif "{" in stack:
            r = True  # ideally we catch both braces... TODO
        r = False
    # Test for case of property set to something with parens such as "static const int CONST_A = (1 << 7) - 1;"
    if r and "(" in stack and "=" in stack and "operator" not in stack:
        if stack.index("=") < stack.index("("):
            r = False
    return r

def is_property_namestack(nameStack):
    r = False
    if "(" not in nameStack and ")" not in nameStack:
        r = True
    elif (
        "(" in nameStack
        and "=" in nameStack
        and nameStack.index("=") < nameStack.index("(")
        r = True
    # See if we are a function pointer
    if not r and is_function_pointer_stack(nameStack):
        r = True
    return r

def is_enum_namestack(nameStack):
    """Determines if a namestack is an enum namestack"""
    if not nameStack:
        return False
    if nameStack[0] == "enum":
        return True
    if len(nameStack) > 1 and nameStack[0] == "typedef" and nameStack[1] == "enum":
        return True
    return False

def set_location_info(thing, location):
    filename, line_number = location
    if filename:
        thing["filename"] = filename
    thing["line_number"] = line_number

_nhack = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*")

def _split_namespace(namestack):
    Given a list of name elements, find the namespace portion
    and return that as a string

    :rtype: Tuple[str, list]
    # TODO: this should be using tokens instead of nhack
    typename = None
    if namestack and namestack[0] == "typename":
        typename = namestack[0]
        namestack = namestack[1:]

    last_colon = None
    for i, n in enumerate(namestack):
        if n == "::":
            last_colon = i
        if i and n != "::" and not _nhack.match(n):

    if last_colon:
        ns, namestack = (
            "".join(namestack[: last_colon + 1]),
            namestack[last_colon + 1 :],
        ns = ""

    if typename:
        namestack = [typename] + namestack

    return ns, namestack

def _iter_ns_str_reversed(namespace):
    Take a namespace string, and yield successively smaller portions
    of it (ex foo::bar::baz::, foo::bar::, foo::). The last item yielded
    will always be an empty string
    if namespace:
        parts = namespace.split("::")
        for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1):
            yield "::".join(parts[:i]) + "::"

    yield ""

def _split_by_comma(namestack):
    while namestack:
        if "," not in namestack:
            yield namestack
        idx = namestack.index(",")
        ns = namestack[:idx]
        yield ns
        namestack = namestack[idx + 1 :]

[docs]class TagStr(str): """Wrapper for a string that allows us to store the line number associated with it""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): location = kwargs.pop("location") s = str.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) s.location = location return s
[docs]class CppParseError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, tok=None): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.tok = tok
[docs]class CppTemplateParam(dict): """ Dictionary that contains the following: - ``decltype`` - If True, this is a decltype - ``param`` - Parameter value or typename - ``params`` - Only present if a template specialization. Is a list of :class:`.CppTemplateParam` - ``...`` - If True, indicates a parameter pack """ def __init__(self): self["param"] = "" self["decltype"] = False self["..."] = False def __str__(self): s = [] if self["decltype"]: s.append("decltype") s.append(self["param"]) params = self.get("params") if params is not None: s.append("<%s>" % ",".join(str(p) for p in params)) if self["..."]: if s: s[-1] = s[-1] + "..." else: s.append("...") return "".join(s)
[docs]class CppBaseDecl(dict): """ Dictionary that contains the following - ``access`` - Anything in supportedAccessSpecifier - ``class`` - Name of the type, along with template specializations - ``decl_name`` - Name of the type only - ``decl_params`` - Only present if a template specialization (Foo<int>). Is a list of :class:`.CppTemplateParam`. - ``decltype`` - True/False indicates a decltype, the contents are in ``decl_name`` - ``virtual`` - True/False indicates virtual inheritance - ``...`` - True/False indicates a parameter pack """ def __init__(self, default_access): self["access"] = default_access self["class"] = "" self["decl_name"] = "" self["decltype"] = False self["virtual"] = False self["..."] = False def _fix_classname(self): # set class to the full decl for legacy reasons params = self.get("decl_params") if self["decltype"]: s = "decltype" else: s = "" s += self["decl_name"] if params: s += "<%s>" % (",".join(str(p) for p in params)) if self["..."]: s += "..." return s
def _consume_parens(stack): i = 0 sl = len(stack) nested = 1 while i < sl: t = stack[i] i += 1 if t == ")": nested -= 1 if nested == 0: return i elif t == "(": nested += 1 raise CppParseError("Unmatched (") def _parse_template_decl(stack): debug_print("_parse_template_decl: %s", stack) params = [] param = CppTemplateParam() i = 0 sl = len(stack) init = True require_ending = False while i < sl: t = stack[i] i += 1 if init: init = False if t == "decltype": param["decltype"] = True continue if t == ",": params.append(param) init = True require_ending = False param = CppTemplateParam() continue elif t == ">": params.append(param) return params, i - 1 if require_ending: raise CppParseError("expected comma, found %s" % t) if t == "...": param["..."] = True require_ending = True elif t == "(": s = stack[i:] n = _consume_parens(s) i += n param["param"] = param["param"] + "".join(s[:n]) else: if t and t[0] == "<": param["params"], n = _parse_template_decl([t[1:]] + stack[i:]) i += n else: param["param"] = param["param"] + t raise CppParseError("Unmatched <") def _parse_cppclass_name(c, stack): # ignore first thing i = 1 sl = len(stack) name = "" require_ending = False while i < sl: t = stack[i] i += 1 if t == ":": if i >= sl: raise CppParseError("class decl ended with ':'") break elif t == "::": name += "::" continue elif t == "final": c["final"] = True continue if require_ending: raise CppParseError("Unexpected '%s' in class" % ("".join(stack[i - 1 :]))) if t and t[0] == "<": c["class_params"], n = _parse_template_decl([t[1:]] + stack[i:]) i += n require_ending = True else: name += t c["namespace"] = "" # backwards compat if name.startswith("anon-"): if ( name.startswith("anon-class-") or name.startswith("anon-struct-") or name.startswith("anon-union-") ): name = "<" + name + ">" c["name"] = name c["bare_name"] = name debug_print("Found class '%s'", name) # backwards compat classParams = c.get("class_params") if classParams is not None: c["name"] = c["name"] + "<%s>" % ",".join(str(p) for p in classParams) return i def _parse_cpp_base(stack, default_access): debug_print("Parsing base: %s (access %s)", stack, default_access) inherits = [] i = 0 sl = len(stack) init = True base = CppBaseDecl(default_access) require_ending = False while i < sl: t = stack[i] i += 1 if init: if t in supportedAccessSpecifier: base["access"] = t continue elif t == "virtual": base["virtual"] = True continue init = False if t == "decltype": base["decltype"] = True continue if t == ",": inherits.append(base) base = CppBaseDecl(default_access) init = True require_ending = False continue if require_ending: if t == "::": if "decl_params" in base: base["decl_name"] = base._fix_classname() del base["decl_params"] base["..."] require_ending = False else: raise CppParseError("expected comma, found '%s'" % t) if t == "(": s = stack[i:] n = _consume_parens(s) i += n base["decl_name"] = base["decl_name"] + "".join(s[:n]) elif t == "...": base["..."] = True require_ending = True else: if t[0] == "<": base["decl_params"], n = _parse_template_decl([t[1:]] + stack[i:]) i += n require_ending = True else: base["decl_name"] = base["decl_name"] + t # backwards compat inherits.append(base) for base in inherits: base["class"] = base._fix_classname() return inherits
[docs]class CppClass(dict): """ Dictionary that contains at least the following keys: * ``name`` - Name of the class * ``doxygen`` - Doxygen comments associated with the class if they exist * ``inherits`` - List of Classes that this one inherits. Values are :class:`.CppBaseDecl` * ``methods`` - Dictionary where keys are from supportedAccessSpecifier and values are a lists of :class:`.CppMethod` * ``namespace`` - Namespace of class * ``properties`` - Dictionary where keys are from supportedAccessSpecifier and values are lists of :class:`.CppVariable` * ``enums`` - Dictionary where keys are from supportedAccessSpecifier and values are lists of :class:`.CppEnum` * ``nested_classes`` - Classes and structs defined within this class * ``final`` - True if final * ``abstract`` - True if abstract * ``using`` - Using directives in this class scope: key is name for lookup, value is :class:`.CppVariable` * ``parent`` - If not None, the class that this class is nested in An example of how this could look is as follows:: { 'name': "" 'inherits':[] 'methods': { 'public':[], 'protected':[], 'private':[] }, 'properties': { 'public':[], 'protected':[], 'private':[] }, 'enums': { 'public':[], 'protected':[], 'private':[] } } """
[docs] def get_all_methods(self): r = [] for typ in supportedAccessSpecifier: r += self["methods"][typ] return r
[docs] def get_all_method_names(self): r = [] for typ in supportedAccessSpecifier: r += self.get_method_names(typ) # returns list return r
[docs] def get_all_pure_virtual_methods(self): r = {} for typ in supportedAccessSpecifier: r.update(self.get_pure_virtual_methods(typ)) # returns dict return r
[docs] def get_method_names(self, type="public"): return [meth["name"] for meth in self["methods"][type]]
[docs] def get_pure_virtual_methods(self, type="public"): r = {} for meth in self["methods"][type]: if meth["pure_virtual"]: r[meth["name"]] = meth return r
def _lookup_type(self, name): # TODO: should have indexes for these lookups... and they # should be more unified for access in supportedAccessSpecifier: for e in self["enums"][access]: if e.get("name") == name: return { "enum": self["name"] + "::" + e["name"], "type": e["name"], "namespace": e["namespace"], } for n in self["nested_classes"]: if n["name"] == name: return {"raw_type": self["name"] + "::" + n["name"], "type": n["name"]} def __init__(self, nameStack, curTemplate, doxygen, location, defaultAccess): self["nested_classes"] = [] self["parent"] = None self["abstract"] = False self["final"] = False self._public_enums = {} self._public_typedefs = {} self._public_forward_declares = [] self["namespace"] = "" self["using"] = {} debug_print("Class: %s", nameStack) debug_print("Template: %s", curTemplate) if len(nameStack) < 2: nameStack.insert(1, "") # anonymous struct if doxygen: self["doxygen"] = doxygen # consume name of class, with any namespaces or templates n = _parse_cppclass_name(self, nameStack) # consume bases baseStack = nameStack[n:] if baseStack: self["inherits"] = _parse_cpp_base(baseStack, defaultAccess) else: self["inherits"] = [] set_location_info(self, location) if curTemplate: self["template"] = curTemplate trace_print("Setting template to", self["template"]) methodAccessSpecificList = {} propertyAccessSpecificList = {} enumAccessSpecificList = {} typedefAccessSpecificList = {} forwardAccessSpecificList = {} for accessSpecifier in supportedAccessSpecifier: methodAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] propertyAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] enumAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] typedefAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] forwardAccessSpecificList[accessSpecifier] = [] self["methods"] = methodAccessSpecificList self["properties"] = propertyAccessSpecificList self["enums"] = enumAccessSpecificList self["typedefs"] = typedefAccessSpecificList self["forward_declares"] = forwardAccessSpecificList
[docs] def show(self): """Convert class to a string""" namespace_prefix = "" if self["namespace"]: namespace_prefix = self["namespace"] + "::" rtn = "%s %s" % (self["declaration_method"], namespace_prefix + self["name"]) if self["final"]: rtn += " final" if self["abstract"]: rtn += " (abstract)\n" else: rtn += "\n" if "doxygen" in list(self.keys()): rtn += self["doxygen"] + "\n" if "parent" in list(self.keys()) and self["parent"]: rtn += "parent class: " + self["parent"]["name"] + "\n" if "inherits" in list(self.keys()): rtn += " Inherits: " for inheritClass in self["inherits"]: if inheritClass["virtual"]: rtn += "virtual " rtn += "%s %s, " % (inheritClass["access"], inheritClass["class"]) rtn += "\n" rtn += " {\n" for accessSpecifier in supportedAccessSpecifier: rtn += " %s\n" % (accessSpecifier) # Enums if len(self["enums"][accessSpecifier]): rtn += " <Enums>\n" for enum in self["enums"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n" % (repr(enum)) # Properties if len(self["properties"][accessSpecifier]): rtn += " <Properties>\n" for property in self["properties"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n" % (repr(property)) # Methods if len(self["methods"][accessSpecifier]): rtn += " <Methods>\n" for method in self["methods"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += "\t\t" + + "\n" rtn += " }\n" print(rtn)
def __str__(self): """Convert class to a string""" namespace_prefix = "" if self["namespace"]: namespace_prefix = self["namespace"] + "::" rtn = "%s %s" % (self["declaration_method"], namespace_prefix + self["name"]) if self["final"]: rtn += " final" if self["abstract"]: rtn += " (abstract)\n" else: rtn += "\n" if "doxygen" in list(self.keys()): rtn += self["doxygen"] + "\n" if "parent" in list(self.keys()) and self["parent"]: rtn += "parent class: " + self["parent"]["name"] + "\n" if "inherits" in list(self.keys()) and len(self["inherits"]): rtn += "Inherits: " for inheritClass in self["inherits"]: if inheritClass.get("virtual", False): rtn += "virtual " rtn += "%s %s, " % (inheritClass["access"], inheritClass["class"]) rtn += "\n" rtn += "{\n" for accessSpecifier in supportedAccessSpecifier: rtn += "%s\n" % (accessSpecifier) # Enums if len(self["enums"][accessSpecifier]): rtn += " // Enums\n" for enum in self["enums"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n" % (repr(enum)) # Properties if len(self["properties"][accessSpecifier]): rtn += " // Properties\n" for property in self["properties"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n" % (repr(property)) # Methods if len(self["methods"][accessSpecifier]): rtn += " // Methods\n" for method in self["methods"][accessSpecifier]: rtn += " %s\n" % (repr(method)) rtn += "}\n" return rtn
[docs]class CppUnion(CppClass): """ Dictionary that contains at least the following keys: * ``name`` - Name of the union * ``doxygen`` - Doxygen comments associated with the union if they exist * ``members`` - List of members of the union """ def __init__(self, nameStack, doxygen, location): CppClass.__init__(self, nameStack, None, doxygen, location, "public") self["members"] = self["properties"]["public"]
[docs] def transform_to_union_keys(self): print("union keys: %s" % list(self.keys())) for key in [ "inherits", "parent", "abstract", "namespace", "typedefs", "methods", ]: del self[key]
[docs] def show(self): """Convert class to a string""" print(self)
def __str__(self): """Convert class to a string""" namespace_prefix = "" if self["namespace"]: namespace_prefix = self["namespace"] + "::" rtn = "%s %s" % (self["declaration_method"], namespace_prefix + self["name"]) if self["abstract"]: rtn += " (abstract)\n" else: rtn += "\n" if "doxygen" in list(self.keys()): rtn += self["doxygen"] + "\n" if "parent" in list(self.keys()) and self["parent"]: rtn += "parent class: " + self["parent"]["name"] + "\n" rtn += "{\n" for member in self["members"]: rtn += " %s\n" % (repr(member)) rtn += "}\n" return rtn
class _CppMethod(dict): def _params_helper1(self, stack): # deal with "throw" keyword if "throw" in stack: stack = stack[: stack.index("throw")] ## remove GCC keyword __attribute__(...) and preserve returns ## cleaned = [] hit = False hitOpen = 0 hitClose = 0 for a in stack: if a == "__attribute__": hit = True if hit: if a == "(": hitOpen += 1 elif a == ")": hitClose += 1 if a == ")" and hitOpen == hitClose: hit = False else: cleaned.append(a) stack = cleaned # also deal with attribute((const)) function prefix # # TODO this needs to be better # if len(stack) > 5: a = "".join(stack) if a.startswith("((__const__))"): stack = stack[5:] elif a.startswith("__attribute__((__const__))"): stack = stack[6:] stack = stack[stack.index("(") + 1 :] if not stack: return [] if ( len(stack) >= 3 and stack[0] == ")" and stack[1] == ":" ): # is this always a constructor? self["constructor"] = True return [] stack.reverse() _end_ = stack.index(")") stack.reverse() stack = stack[: len(stack) - (_end_ + 1)] if "(" not in stack: return stack # safe to return, no defaults that init a class return stack def _params_helper2(self, params): for p in params: p["method"] = self # save reference in variable to parent method p["parent"] = self if "::" in p["type"]: ns = p["type"].split("::")[0] if ns not in Resolver.NAMESPACES and ns in Resolver.CLASSES: p["type"] = self["namespace"] + p["type"] else: p["namespace"] = self["namespace"]
[docs]class CppMethod(_CppMethod): """ Dictionary that contains at least the following keys: * ``rtnType`` - Return type of the method (ex. "int") * ``name`` - Name of the method * ``doxygen`` - Doxygen comments associated with the method if they exist * ``parameters`` - List of :class:`.CppVariable` * ``parent`` - If not None, the class this method belongs to """
[docs] def show(self): r = ["method name: %s (%s)" % (self["name"], self["debug"])] if self["returns"]: r.append("returns: %s" % self["returns"]) if self["parameters"]: r.append("number arguments: %s" % len(self["parameters"])) if self["pure_virtual"]: r.append("pure virtual: %s" % self["pure_virtual"]) if self["constructor"]: r.append("constructor") if self["destructor"]: r.append("destructor") return "\n\t\t ".join(r)
def __init__(self, nameStack, curClass, methinfo, curTemplate, doxygen, location): debug_print("Method: %s", nameStack) debug_print("Template: %s", curTemplate) if doxygen: self["doxygen"] = doxygen # Remove leading keywords for i, word in enumerate(nameStack): if word not in Resolver.C_KEYWORDS: nameStack = nameStack[i:] break if "operator" in nameStack: rtnType = " ".join(nameStack[: nameStack.index("operator")]) self["name"] = "".join( nameStack[nameStack.index("operator") : nameStack.index("(")] ) else: rtnType = " ".join(nameStack[: nameStack.index("(") - 1]) self["name"] = " ".join( nameStack[nameStack.index("(") - 1 : nameStack.index("(")] ) if len(rtnType) == 0 or self["name"] == curClass: rtnType = "void" self["rtnType"] = ( rtnType.replace(" :: ", "::") .replace(" < ", "<") .replace(" > ", "> ") .replace(">>", "> >") .replace(" ,", ",") ) # deal with "noexcept" specifier/operator self["noexcept"] = None if "noexcept" in nameStack: noexcept_idx = nameStack.index("noexcept") hit = True cleaned = nameStack[:noexcept_idx] parentCount = 0 noexcept = "noexcept" for a in nameStack[noexcept_idx + 1 :]: if a == "noexcept": hit = True if hit: if a == "(": parentCount += 1 elif a == ")": parentCount -= 1 elif parentCount == 0 and a != "noexcept": hit = False cleaned.append(a) continue # noexcept without parenthesis if a == ")" and parentCount == 0: hit = False noexcept += a else: cleaned.append(a) self["noexcept"] = noexcept nameStack = cleaned for spec in ["const", "final", "override"]: self[spec] = False for i in reversed(nameStack): if i == spec: self[spec] = True break elif i == ")": break self.update(methinfo) set_location_info(self, location) paramsStack = self._params_helper1(nameStack) debug_print("curTemplate: %s", curTemplate) if curTemplate: self["template"] = curTemplate debug_print("SET self['template'] to `%s`", self["template"]) params = [] # See if there is a doxygen comment for the variable if "doxygen" in self: doxyVarDesc = extract_doxygen_method_params(self["doxygen"]) else: doxyVarDesc = {} # non-vararg by default self["vararg"] = False # Create the variable now while len(paramsStack): # Find commas that are not nexted in <>'s like template types open_template_count = 0 open_paren_count = 0 open_brace_count = 0 param_separator = 0 i = 0 for elm in paramsStack: if elm in "<>(){},": if elm == ",": if ( open_template_count == 0 and open_paren_count == 0 and open_brace_count == 0 ): param_separator = i break elif "<" == elm: open_template_count += 1 elif ">" == elm: open_template_count -= 1 elif "(" == elm: open_paren_count += 1 elif ")" == elm: open_paren_count -= 1 elif "{" == elm: open_brace_count += 1 elif "}" == elm: open_brace_count -= 1 i += 1 if param_separator: tpstack = paramsStack[0:param_separator] param = CppVariable( tpstack, None, getattr(tpstack[0], "location", location), doxyVarDesc=doxyVarDesc, ) if len(list(param.keys())): params.append(param) paramsStack = paramsStack[param_separator + 1 :] elif len(paramsStack) and paramsStack[0] == "...": self["vararg"] = True paramsStack = paramsStack[1:] else: param = CppVariable( paramsStack, None, getattr(paramsStack[0], "location", location), doxyVarDesc=doxyVarDesc, ) if len(list(param.keys())): params.append(param) break # foo(void) should be zero parameters if len(params) == 1 and params[0]["type"] == "void": params = [] self["parameters"] = params self._params_helper2(params) # mods params inplace def __str__(self): filter_keys = ("parent", "defined", "operator", "returns_reference") cpy = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in list(self.items()) if k not in filter_keys) return "%s" % cpy
_var_keywords = { n: 0 for n in "constant constexpr reference pointer static typedefs class fundamental unresolved".split() } class _CppVariable(dict): def _name_stack_helper(self, stack): stack = list(stack) if "=" not in stack: # TODO refactor me # check for array[n] and deal with funny array syntax: "int myvar:99" array = [] while stack and stack[-1].isdigit(): array.append(stack.pop()) if array: array.reverse() self["array"] = int("".join(array)) if stack and stack[-1].endswith(":"): stack[-1] = stack[-1][:-1] while stack and not stack[-1]: stack.pop() # can be empty return stack def init(self): # assert self['name'] # allow unnamed variables, methods like this: "void func(void);" a = [] self["aliases"] = [] self["parent"] = None self["typedef"] = None self.update(_var_keywords) for b in self["type"].split(): if b == "__const__": b = "const" a.append(b) self["type"] = " ".join(a)
[docs]class CppVariable(_CppVariable): """ Dictionary that contains at least the following keys: * ``type`` - Type for the variable (ex. "const string &") * ``name`` - Name of the variable (ex. "numItems") * ``namespace`` - Namespace * ``desc`` - If a method/function parameter, doxygen description for this parameter (optional) * ``doxygen`` - If a normal property/variable, doxygen description for this * ``default`` - Default value of the variable, this key will only exist if there is a default value * ``extern`` - True if its an extern, False if not * ``parent`` - If not None, either the class this is a property of, or the method this variable is a parameter in * ``access`` - Anything in supportedAccessSpecifier """ Vars = [] def __init__(self, nameStack, doxygen, location, is_var=True, **kwargs): debug_print("var trace %s", nameStack) if len(nameStack) and nameStack[0] == "extern": self["extern"] = True del nameStack[0] else: self["extern"] = False _stack_ = nameStack if "[" in nameStack: # strip off array informatin arrayStack = nameStack[nameStack.index("[") :] if nameStack.count("[") > 1: debug_print("Multi dimensional array") debug_print("arrayStack=%s", arrayStack) nums = [x for x in arrayStack if x.isdigit()] # Calculate size by multiplying all dimensions p = 1 for n in nums: p *= int(n) # Multi dimensional array self["array_size"] = p self["multi_dimensional_array"] = 1 self["multi_dimensional_array_size"] = "x".join(nums) else: debug_print("Array") if len(arrayStack) == 3: self["array_size"] = arrayStack[1] nameStack = nameStack[: nameStack.index("[")] self["array"] = 1 else: self["array"] = 0 nameStack = self._name_stack_helper(nameStack) if doxygen: self["doxygen"] = doxygen debug_print("Variable: %s", nameStack) set_location_info(self, location) self["function_pointer"] = 0 if len(nameStack) < 2: # +++ if len(nameStack) == 1: self["type"] = nameStack[0] self["name"] = "" else: error_print("%s", _stack_) assert 0 elif is_function_pointer_stack(nameStack): # function pointer self["type"] = " ".join( nameStack[: nameStack.index("(") + 2] + nameStack[nameStack.index(")") :] ) self["name"] = " ".join( nameStack[nameStack.index("(") + 2 : nameStack.index(")")] ) self["function_pointer"] = 1 elif "=" in nameStack: self["type"] = " ".join(nameStack[: nameStack.index("=") - 1]) self["name"] = nameStack[nameStack.index("=") - 1] default = " ".join(nameStack[nameStack.index("=") + 1 :]) default = self._filter_name(default) self["default"] = default # backwards compat; deprecate camelCase in dicts self["defaultValue"] = default elif ( is_fundamental(nameStack[-1]) or nameStack[-1] in [">", "<", ":", "."] or (len(nameStack) > 2 and nameStack[-2] == "::") ): # Un named parameter self["type"] = " ".join(nameStack) self["name"] = "" else: # common case self["type"] = " ".join(nameStack[:-1]) self["name"] = nameStack[-1] self["type"] = self._filter_name(self["type"]) # Optional doxygen description try: self["desc"] = kwargs["doxyVarDesc"][self["name"]] except: pass self.init() if is_var: CppVariable.Vars.append(self) # save and resolve later def _filter_name(self, name): name = name.replace(" :", ":").replace(": ", ":") name = name.replace(" < ", "<") name = name.replace(" > ", "> ").replace(">>", "> >") name = name.replace(") >", ")>") name = name.replace(" {", "{").replace(" }", "}") name = name.replace(" ,", ",") return name def __str__(self): keys_white_list = [ "constant", "name", "reference", "type", "static", "pointer", "desc", "line_number", "extern", "access", ] cpy = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in list(self.items()) if k in keys_white_list) if "array_size" in self: cpy["array_size"] = self["array_size"] return "%s" % cpy
class _CppEnum(dict): def resolve_enum_values(self, values): """Evaluates the values list of dictionaries passed in and figures out what the enum value for each enum is editing in place: Example From: [{'name': 'ORANGE'}, {'name': 'RED'}, {'name': 'GREEN', 'value': '8'}] To: [{'name': 'ORANGE', 'value': 0}, {'name': 'RED', 'value': 1}, {'name': 'GREEN', 'value': 8}] """ t = int i = 0 names = [v["name"] for v in values] for v in values: if "value" in v: a = v["value"].strip() # Remove single quotes from single quoted chars (unless part of some expression if len(a) == 3 and a[0] == "'" and a[2] == "'": a = v["value"] = a[1] a = i = ord(a) elif a.lower().startswith("0x"): try: i = a = int(a, 16) except: pass elif a.isdigit(): i = a = int(a) elif a in names: for other in values: if other["name"] == a: v["value"] = other["value"] break elif '"' in a or "'" in a: t = str # only if there are quotes it this a string enum else: try: a = i = ord(a) except: pass # Allow access of what is in the file pre-convert if converted if v["value"] != str(a): v["raw_value"] = v["value"] v["value"] = a else: v["value"] = i try: v["value"] = v["value"].replace(" < < ", " << ").replace(" >> ", " >> ") except: pass i += 1 self["type"] = t
[docs]class CppEnum(_CppEnum): """Contains the following keys: * ``name`` - Name of the enum (ex. "ItemState") * ``namespace`` - Namespace containing the enum * ``isclass`` - True if created via 'enum class' or 'enum struct' * ``values`` - List of values. The values are a dictionary with the following key/values: - ``name`` - name of the key (ex. "PARSING_HEADER"), - ``value`` - Specified value of the enum, this key will only exist if a value for a given enum value was defined """ def __init__(self, name, doxygen, location): if doxygen: self["doxygen"] = doxygen if name: self["name"] = name self["namespace"] = "" self["typedef"] = False self["isclass"] = False self["values"] = [] set_location_info(self, location)
class _CppPreprocessorLiteral(dict): """Implementation for #pragmas, #defines and #includes, contains the following keys: * ``value`` the value literal of the preprocessor item * ``line_number`` line number at which the item was found """ def __init__(self, macro, location): self["value"] = re.split("[\t ]+", macro, 1)[1].strip() set_location_info(self, location) def __str__(self): return self["value"] class CppExternTemplate(dict): pass # Implementation is shared between CppPragma, CppDefine, CppInclude but they are # distinct so that they may diverge if required without interface-breaking # changes class CppPragma(_CppPreprocessorLiteral): pass class CppDefine(_CppPreprocessorLiteral): pass class CppInclude(_CppPreprocessorLiteral): pass C99_NONSTANDARD = { "int8": "signed char", "int16": "short int", "int32": "int", "int64": "int64_t", # this can be: long int (64bit), or long long int (32bit) "uint": "unsigned int", "uint8": "unsigned char", "uint16": "unsigned short int", "uint32": "unsigned int", "uint64": "uint64_t", # depends on host bits } def standardize_fundamental(s): if s in C99_NONSTANDARD: return C99_NONSTANDARD[s] else: return s class Resolver(object): C_FUNDAMENTAL = "size_t unsigned signed bool char wchar short int float double long void".split() C_FUNDAMENTAL += "struct union enum".split() C_FUNDAMENTAL = set(C_FUNDAMENTAL) C_MODIFIERS = "* & const constexpr static mutable".split() C_MODIFIERS = set(C_MODIFIERS) C_KEYWORDS = "extern virtual static explicit inline friend constexpr".split() C_KEYWORDS = set(C_KEYWORDS) NAMESPACES = [] CLASSES = {} def initextra(self): self.typedefs = {} self.typedefs_order = [] self.classes_order = [] self.namespaces = Resolver.NAMESPACES # save all namespaces self.stack = ( [] ) # full name stack, good idea to keep both stacks? (simple stack and full stack) self._classes_brace_level = {} # class name : level self._forward_decls = {} # name: namespace self._template_typenames = [] # template<typename XXX> def current_namespace(self): return self.cur_namespace(True) def cur_namespace(self, add_double_colon=False): rtn = "" i = 0 while i < len(self.nameSpaces): rtn += self.nameSpaces[i] if add_double_colon or i < len(self.nameSpaces) - 1: rtn += "::" i += 1 return rtn def cur_linkage(self): if len(self.linkage_stack): return self.linkage_stack[-1] return "" def guess_ctypes_type(self, string): pointers = string.count("*") string = string.replace("*", "") a = string.split() if "unsigned" in a: u = "u" else: u = "" if "long" in a and "double" in a: b = "longdouble" # there is no ctypes.c_ulongdouble (this is a 64bit float?) elif a.count("long") == 2 and "int" in a: b = "%sint64" % u elif a.count("long") == 2: b = "%slonglong" % u elif "long" in a: b = "%slong" % u elif "double" in a: b = "double" # no udouble in ctypes elif "short" in a: b = "%sshort" % u elif "char" in a: b = "%schar" % u elif "wchar" in a: b = "wchar" elif "bool" in a: b = "bool" elif "float" in a: b = "float" elif "int" in a: b = "%sint" % u elif "int8" in a: b = "int8" elif "int16" in a: b = "int16" elif "int32" in a: b = "int32" elif "int64" in a: b = "int64" elif "uint" in a: b = "uint" elif "uint8" in a: b = "uint8" elif "uint16" in a: b = "uint16" elif "uint32" in a: b = "uint32" elif "uint64" in a: b = "uint64" elif "size_t" in a: b = "size_t" elif "void" in a: b = "void_p" elif string in ("struct", "union"): b = "void_p" # what should be done here? don't trust struct, it could be a class, no need to expose via ctypes else: b = "void_p" if not pointers: return "ctypes.c_%s" % b else: x = "" for i in range(pointers): x += "ctypes.POINTER(" x += "ctypes.c_%s" % b x += ")" * pointers return x def _remove_modifiers(self, vtype): return " ".join(x for x in vtype.split() if x not in self.C_MODIFIERS) def _create_raw_type(self, vtype): lt = vtype.find("<") if lt != -1: gt = vtype.rfind(">") vtype = ( self._remove_modifiers(vtype[:lt]) + vtype[lt : gt + 1] + self._remove_modifiers(vtype[gt + 1 :]) ) else: vtype = self._remove_modifiers(vtype) return vtype def resolve_type(self, string, result): # recursive """ keeps track of useful things like: how many pointers, number of typedefs, is fundamental or a class, etc... """ ## be careful with templates, what is inside <something*> can be a pointer but the overall type is not a pointer ## these come before a template s = string.split("<")[0].split() result["constant"] += s.count("const") result["constexpr"] += s.count("constexpr") result["static"] += s.count("static") result["mutable"] = "mutable" in s ## these come after a template s = string.split(">")[-1] result["pointer"] += s.count("*") result["reference"] += s.count("&") x = string alias = False for a in self.C_MODIFIERS: x = x.replace(a, "") for y in x.split(): if y not in self.C_FUNDAMENTAL: alias = y break # if alias == 'class': # result['class'] = result['name'] # forward decl of class # result['forward_decl'] = True if alias == "__extension__": result["fundamental_extension"] = True elif alias: if alias in result["aliases"]: # already resolved return result["aliases"].append(alias) if alias in C99_NONSTANDARD: result["type"] = C99_NONSTANDARD[alias] result["typedef"] = alias result["typedefs"] += 1 elif alias in self.typedefs: result["typedefs"] += 1 result["typedef"] = alias self.resolve_type(self.typedefs[alias], result) elif alias in self.classes: klass = self.classes[alias] result["fundamental"] = False result["class"] = klass result["unresolved"] = False else: used = None # Search for in parents if not used: parent = result["parent"] while parent: p_using = parent.get("using") if p_using: used = p_using.get(alias) if used: break lookup = getattr(parent, "_lookup_type", None) if lookup: used = lookup(alias) if used: break parent = parent["parent"] if not used and self.using: # search for type in all enclosing namespaces # TODO: would be nice if namespaces were an object? for ns in _iter_ns_str_reversed(result.get("namespace", "")): nsalias = ns + alias used = self.using.get(nsalias) if used: break if used: for i in ("enum", "type", "namespace", "ctypes_type", "raw_type"): if i in used: result[i] = used[i] result["unresolved"] = False else: result["fundamental"] = True result["unresolved"] = False def finalize_vars(self): # for c in self.classes.values(): # for var in c.get_all_properties(): var['parent'] = c['name'] ## RESOLVE ## for var in CppVariable.Vars: self.resolve_type(var["type"], var) # if 'method' in var and var['method']['name'] == '_notifyCurrentCamera': print(var); assert 0 # then find concrete type and best guess ctypes type # for var in CppVariable.Vars: if not var["aliases"]: # var['fundamental']: var["ctypes_type"] = self.guess_ctypes_type(var["type"]) else: var["unresolved"] = False # below may test to True if var["class"]: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" else: assert var["aliases"] tag = var["aliases"][0] klass = None nestedEnum = None nestedStruct = None nestedTypedef = None parent = var["parent"] while parent: nestedEnum = getattr(parent, "_public_enums", {}).get(tag) if nestedEnum: break nestedTypedef = getattr(parent, "_public_typedefs", {}).get(tag) if nestedTypedef: break parent = parent["parent"] if "<" in tag: # should also contain '>' var["template"] = tag # do not resolve templates var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var["unresolved"] = True elif nestedEnum: enum = nestedEnum etype = enum.get("type") if etype is int: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_int" var["raw_type"] = "int" elif etype is str: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_char_p" var["raw_type"] = "char*" if "method" in var: var["enum"] = var["method"]["path"] + "::" + enum["name"] else: var["enum"] = enum["name"] var["fundamental"] = True elif nestedStruct: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var["raw_type"] = ( var["method"]["path"] + "::" + nestedStruct["type"] ) var["fundamental"] = False elif nestedTypedef: var["fundamental"] = is_fundamental(nestedTypedef) if not var["fundamental"] and "method" in var: var["raw_type"] = var["method"]["path"] + "::" + tag else: _tag = tag if "::" in tag and tag.split("::")[0] in self.namespaces: tag = tag.split("::")[-1] con = self.concrete_typedef(_tag) if con: var["concrete_type"] = con var["ctypes_type"] = self.guess_ctypes_type( var["concrete_type"] ) elif tag in self._forward_decls: var["forward_declared"] = tag var["namespace"] = self._forward_decls[tag] var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" elif tag in self.global_enums: enum = self.global_enums[tag] enum_type = enum.get("type") if enum_type is int: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_int" var["raw_type"] = "int" elif enum_type is str: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_char_p" var["raw_type"] = "char*" var["enum"] = enum["namespace"] + enum["name"] var["fundamental"] = True elif var["parent"] and var["unresolved"]: warning_print("WARN unresolved %s", _tag) var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var["unresolved"] = True elif tag.count("::") == 1: trace_print("trying to find nested something in", tag) a = tag.split("::")[0] b = tag.split("::")[-1] if ( a in self.classes ): # a::b is most likely something nested in a class klass = self.classes[a] if b in klass._public_enums: trace_print("...found nested enum", b) enum = klass._public_enums[b] etype = enum.get("type") if etype is int: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_int" var["raw_type"] = "int" elif etype is str: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_char_p" var["raw_type"] = "char*" try: if "method" in var: var["enum"] = ( var["method"]["path"] + "::" + enum["name"] ) else: # class property var["unresolved"] = True except: var["unresolved"] = True var["fundamental"] = True else: var["unresolved"] = True # TODO klass._public_xxx elif ( a in self.namespaces ): # a::b can also be a nested namespace if b in self.global_enums: enum = self.global_enums[b] trace_print(enum) trace_print(var) assert 0 elif ( b in self.global_enums ): # falling back, this is a big ugly enum = self.global_enums[b] assert a in enum["namespace"].split("::") etype = enum.get("type") if etype is int: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_int" var["raw_type"] = "int" elif etype is str: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_char_p" var["raw_type"] = "char*" var["fundamental"] = True else: # boost::gets::crazy trace_print("NAMESPACES", self.namespaces) trace_print(a, b) trace_print("---- boost gets crazy ----") var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var["unresolved"] = True elif "namespace" in var and self.concrete_typedef( var["namespace"] + tag ): # print( 'TRYING WITH NS', var['namespace'] ) con = self.concrete_typedef(var["namespace"] + tag) if con: var["typedef"] = var["namespace"] + tag var["type"] = con if "struct" in con.split(): var["raw_type"] = var["typedef"] var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" else: self.resolve_type(var["type"], var) var["ctypes_type"] = self.guess_ctypes_type( var["type"] ) elif "::" in var: var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var["unresolved"] = True elif tag in self._template_typenames: var["typename"] = tag var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var[ "unresolved" ] = True # TODO, how to deal with templates? elif tag.startswith( "_" ): # assume starting with underscore is not important for wrapping warning_print("WARN unresolved %s", _tag) var["ctypes_type"] = "ctypes.c_void_p" var["unresolved"] = True else: trace_print("WARN: unknown type", var) assert ( "property_of_class" in var or "property_of_struct" ) # only allow this case var["unresolved"] = True ## if not resolved and is a method param, not going to wrap these methods ## if var["unresolved"] and "method" in var: var["method"]["unresolved_parameters"] = True # create stripped raw_type # for var in CppVariable.Vars: if "raw_type" not in var: var["raw_type"] = self._create_raw_type(var["type"]) # if 'AutoConstantEntry' in var['raw_type']: print(var); assert 0 if var["class"]: if "::" not in var["raw_type"]: if not var["class"]["parent"]: var["raw_type"] = ( var["class"]["namespace"] + "::" + var["raw_type"] ) else: parent = var["class"]["parent"] var["raw_type"] = ( parent["namespace"] + "::" + var["class"]["name"] + "::" + var["raw_type"] ) elif ( "::" in var["raw_type"] and var["raw_type"].split("::")[0] not in self.namespaces ): var["raw_type"] = ( var["class"]["namespace"] + "::" + var["raw_type"] ) else: var["unresolved"] = True elif "forward_declared" in var and "namespace" in var: if "::" not in var["raw_type"]: var["raw_type"] = var["namespace"] + var["raw_type"] elif ( "::" in var["raw_type"] and var["raw_type"].split("::")[0] in self.namespaces ): pass else: trace_print("-" * 80) trace_print(var) raise NotImplementedError ## need full name space for classes in raw type ## if var["raw_type"].startswith("::"): # print(var) # print('NAMESPACE', var['class']['namespace']) # print( 'PARENT NS', var['class']['parent']['namespace'] ) # assert 0 var["unresolved"] = True if "method" in var: var["method"]["unresolved_parameters"] = True # var['raw_type'] = var['raw_type'][2:] # Take care of #defines and #pragmas etc trace_print("Processing precomp_macro_buf:", self._precomp_macro_buf) for m, location in self._precomp_macro_buf: macro = m.replace("<CppHeaderParser_newline_temp_replacement>\\n", "\n") ml = macro.lower() try: if ml.startswith("#define"): trace_print("Adding #define", macro) define = CppDefine(macro, location) self.defines.append(define["value"]) self.defines_detail.append(define) elif ml.startswith("#pragma"): trace_print("Adding #pragma", macro) pragma = CppPragma(macro, location) self.pragmas_detail.append(pragma) self.pragmas.append(pragma["value"]) elif ml.startswith("#include"): trace_print("Adding #include", macro) include = CppInclude(macro, location) self.includes.append(include["value"]) self.includes_detail.append(include) else: debug_print("Cant detect what to do with precomp macro '%s'", macro) except: pass self._precomp_macro_buf = None def concrete_typedef(self, key): if key not in self.typedefs: # print( 'FAILED typedef', key ) return None while key in self.typedefs: prev = key key = self.typedefs[key] if "<" in key or ">" in key: return prev # stop at template if key.startswith("std::"): return key # stop at std lib return key class _CppHeader(Resolver): def finalize(self): self.finalize_vars() # finalize classes and method returns types for cls in list(self.classes.values()): for meth in cls.get_all_methods(): if meth["pure_virtual"]: cls["abstract"] = True # hack rtnType = { "aliases": [], "parent": cls, "unresolved": True, "constant": 0, "constexpr": 0, "static": 0, "pointer": 0, "reference": 0, "typedefs": 0, } self.resolve_type(meth["rtnType"], rtnType) if not rtnType["unresolved"]: if "enum" in rtnType: meth["rtnType"] = rtnType["enum"] elif "raw_type" in rtnType: meth["rtnType"] = rtnType["raw_type"] # TODO: all of this needs to die and be replaced by CppVariable if ( not meth["returns_fundamental"] and meth["returns"] in C99_NONSTANDARD ): meth["returns"] = C99_NONSTANDARD[meth["returns"]] meth["returns_fundamental"] = True elif not meth["returns_fundamental"]: # describe the return type con = None if cls["namespace"] and "::" not in meth["returns"]: con = self.concrete_typedef( cls["namespace"] + "::" + meth["returns"] ) else: con = self.concrete_typedef(meth["returns"]) if con: meth["returns_concrete"] = con meth["returns_fundamental"] = is_fundamental(con) elif meth["returns"] in self.classes: trace_print("meth returns class:", meth["returns"]) meth["returns_class"] = True elif meth["returns"] in cls._public_enums: enum = cls._public_enums[meth["returns"]] meth["returns_enum"] = enum.get("type") meth["returns_fundamental"] = True if enum.get("type") == int: meth["returns"] = "int" else: meth["returns"] = "char*" elif meth["returns"] in self.global_enums: enum = self.global_enums[meth["returns"]] meth["returns_enum"] = enum.get("type") meth["returns_fundamental"] = True if enum.get("type") == int: meth["returns"] = "int" else: meth["returns"] = "char*" elif meth["returns"].count("::") == 1: trace_print(meth) a, b = meth["returns"].split("::") if a in self.namespaces: if b in self.classes: klass = self.classes[b] meth["returns_class"] = a + "::" + b elif "<" in b and ">" in b: meth["returns_unknown"] = True elif b in self.global_enums: enum = self.global_enums[b] meth["returns_enum"] = enum.get("type") meth["returns_fundamental"] = True if enum.get("type") == int: meth["returns"] = "int" else: meth["returns"] = "char*" else: trace_print(a, b) trace_print(meth) meth["returns_unknown"] = True # +++ elif a in self.classes: klass = self.classes[a] if b in klass._public_enums: trace_print("...found nested enum", b) enum = klass._public_enums[b] meth["returns_enum"] = enum.get("type") meth["returns_fundamental"] = True if enum.get("type") == int: meth["returns"] = "int" else: meth["returns"] = "char*" elif b in klass._public_forward_declares: meth["returns_class"] = True elif b in klass._public_typedefs: typedef = klass._public_typedefs[b] meth["returns_fundamental"] = is_fundamental(typedef) else: trace_print( meth ) # should be a nested class, TODO fix me. meth["returns_unknown"] = True elif "::" in meth["returns"]: trace_print("TODO namespace or extra nested return:", meth) meth["returns_unknown"] = True else: trace_print( "WARN: UNKNOWN RETURN", meth["name"], meth["returns"] ) meth["returns_unknown"] = True if meth["returns"].startswith(":: "): meth["returns"] = meth["returns"].replace(":: ", "::") for cls in list(self.classes.values()): methnames = cls.get_all_method_names() pvm = cls.get_all_pure_virtual_methods() for d in cls["inherits"]: c = d["class"] a = d["access"] # do not depend on this to be 'public' trace_print("PARENT CLASS:", c) if c not in self.classes: trace_print("WARN: parent class not found") if c in self.classes and self.classes[c]["abstract"]: p = self.classes[c] for meth in p.get_all_methods(): # p["methods"]["public"]: trace_print( "\t\tmeth", meth["name"], "pure virtual", meth["pure_virtual"], ) if meth["pure_virtual"] and meth["name"] not in methnames: cls["abstract"] = True break _method_type_defaults = { n: False for n in "defined deleted pure_virtual operator constructor destructor extern template virtual static explicit inline friend returns returns_pointer returns_fundamental returns_class default".split() } def parse_method_type(self, stack): trace_print("meth type info", stack) info = { "debug": " ".join(stack) .replace(" :: ", "::") .replace(" < ", "<") .replace(" > ", "> ") .replace(" >", ">") .replace(">>", "> >") .replace(">>", "> >"), "class": None, "namespace": self.cur_namespace(add_double_colon=True), } info.update(self._method_type_defaults) header = stack[: stack.index("(")] header = " ".join(header) header = header.replace(" :: ", "::") header = header.replace(" < ", "<") header = header.replace(" > ", "> ") header = header.replace("default ", "default") header = header.strip() if stack[-1] == "{": info["defined"] = True self._discard_contents("{", "}") self.braceHandled = True elif stack[-1] == ";": info["defined"] = False elif stack[-1] == ":": info["defined"] = True self._discard_ctor_initializer() self.braceHandled = True else: assert 0 refqual = "" if len(stack) > 3: if stack[-1] == ";" and stack[-3] == "=": if stack[-2] == "0": info["pure_virtual"] = True elif stack[-2] == "delete": info["deleted"] = True for e in reversed(stack): if e == ")": break elif e == "&": refqual += "&" info["ref_qualifiers"] = refqual r = header.split() name = None if "operator" in stack: # rare case op overload defined outside of class op = stack[stack.index("operator") + 1 : stack.index("(")] op = "".join(op) if not op: if " ".join(["operator", "(", ")", "("]) in " ".join(stack): op = "()" else: trace_print("Error parsing operator") return None info["operator"] = op name = "operator" + op a = stack[: stack.index("operator")] elif r: name = r[-1] a = r[:-1] # strip name if name is None: return None # if name.startswith('~'): name = name[1:] while a and a[0] == "}": # strip - can have multiple } } a = a[1:] if "::" in name: # klass,name = name.split('::') # methods can be defined outside of class klass = name[: name.rindex("::")] name = name.split("::")[-1] info["class"] = klass if klass in self.classes and not self.curClass: # Class function defined outside the class return None # info['name'] = name # else: info['name'] = name if name.startswith("~"): info["destructor"] = True if "default;" in stack: info["defined"] = True info["default"] = True name = name[1:] elif not a or (name == self.curClass and len(self.curClass)): info["constructor"] = True if "default;" in stack: info["defined"] = True info["default"] = True info["name"] = name for tag in self.C_KEYWORDS: if tag in a: info[tag] = True a.remove(tag) # inplace if "template" in a: a.remove("template") b = " ".join(a) if ">" in b: info["template"] = b[: b.index(">") + 1] info["returns"] = b[ b.index(">") + 1 : ] # find return type, could be incorrect... TODO if "<typename" in info["template"].split(): typname = info["template"].split()[-1] typname = typname[:-1] # strip '>' if typname not in self._template_typenames: self._template_typenames.append(typname) else: info["returns"] = " ".join(a) else: info["returns"] = " ".join(a) info["returns"] = info["returns"].replace(" <", "<").strip() ## be careful with templates, do not count pointers inside template info["returns_pointer"] = info["returns"].split(">")[-1].count("*") if info["returns_pointer"]: info["returns"] = info["returns"].replace("*", "").strip() info["returns_reference"] = "&" in info["returns"] if info["returns"]: info["returns"] = info["returns"].replace("&", "").strip() a = [] for b in info["returns"].split(): if b == "__const__": info["returns_const"] = True elif b == "const": info["returns_const"] = True else: a.append(b) info["returns"] = " ".join(a) info["returns_fundamental"] = is_fundamental(info["returns"]) return info def _evaluate_method_stack(self): """Create a method out of the name stack""" info = self.parse_method_type(self.stack) if info: if ( info["class"] and info["class"] in self.classes ): # case where methods are defined outside of class newMethod = CppMethod( self.nameStack, info["name"], info, self.curTemplate, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), ) klass = self.classes[info["class"]] klass["methods"]["public"].append(newMethod) newMethod["parent"] = klass if klass["namespace"]: newMethod["path"] = klass["namespace"] + "::" + klass["name"] else: newMethod["path"] = klass["name"] elif self.curClass: # normal case newMethod = CppMethod( self.nameStack, self.curClass, info, self.curTemplate, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), ) klass = self.classes[self.curClass] klass["methods"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(newMethod) newMethod["parent"] = klass if klass["namespace"]: newMethod["path"] = klass["namespace"] + "::" + klass["name"] else: newMethod["path"] = klass["name"] else: # non class functions debug_print("FREE FUNCTION") newMethod = CppMethod( self.nameStack, None, info, self.curTemplate, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), ) newMethod["parent"] = None newMethod["linkage"] = self.cur_linkage() self.functions.append(newMethod) # Reset template once it has been used self.curTemplate = None global parseHistory parseHistory.append( { "braceDepth": self.braceDepth, "item_type": "method", "item": newMethod, } ) else: trace_print("free function?", self.nameStack) self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] _function_point_typedef_format = re.compile(r".*?\(.*?\*(.*?)\).*?\(.*?\).*?") def _function_point_typedef_parse(self, stack): idx = stack.index("typedef") expression = "".join(stack[idx + 1 :]) m = self._function_point_typedef_format.match(expression) if m is None: return {} name = s = " ".join([i for i in stack if i != name]) r = {"name": name, "raw": s, "type": s} return r def _parse_typedef(self, stack, namespace=""): if not stack or "typedef" not in stack: return stack = list(stack) # copy just to be safe if stack[-1] == ";": stack.pop() r = self._function_point_typedef_parse(stack) if len(r) == 3: return r while stack and stack[-1].isdigit(): stack.pop() # throw away array size for now idx = stack.index("typedef") if stack[-1] == "]": try: name = namespace + "".join(stack[-4:]) # Strip off the array part so the rest of the parsing is better stack = stack[:-3] except: name = namespace + stack[-1] else: name = namespace + stack[-1] s = "" for a in stack[idx + 1 : -1]: if a == "{": break if not s or s[-1] in ":<>" or a in ":<>": s += a # keep compact else: s += " " + a # spacing r = {"name": name, "raw": s, "type": s} if not is_fundamental(s): if "struct" in s.split(): pass # TODO is this right? "struct ns::something" elif "::" not in s: s = ( namespace + s ) # only add the current name space if no namespace given r["type"] = s if s: return r def _evaluate_typedef(self): ns = self.cur_namespace(add_double_colon=True) res = self._parse_typedef(self.stack, ns) if res: name = res["name"] self.typedefs[name] = res["type"] if name not in self.typedefs_order: self.typedefs_order.append(name) def _evaluate_property_stack(self, clearStack=True, addToVar=None): """Create a Property out of the name stack""" global parseHistory debug_print("trace") if self.nameStack[0] == "typedef": assert self.stack and self.stack[-1] == ";" if self.curClass: typedef = self._parse_typedef(self.stack) name = typedef["name"] klass = self.classes[self.curClass] klass["typedefs"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(name) if self.curAccessSpecifier == "public": klass._public_typedefs[name] = typedef["type"] else: assert 0 elif self.curClass: if len(self.nameStack) == 1: # See if we can de anonymize the type filteredParseHistory = [ h for h in parseHistory if h["braceDepth"] == self.braceDepth ] if ( len(filteredParseHistory) and filteredParseHistory[-1]["item_type"] == "class" ): self.nameStack.insert(0, filteredParseHistory[-1]["item"]["name"]) debug_print( "DEANONYMOIZING %s to type '%s'", self.nameStack[1], self.nameStack[0], ) if "," in self.nameStack: # Maybe we have a variable list # Figure out what part is the variable separator but remember templates of function pointer # First find left most comma outside of a > and ) leftMostComma = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.nameStack)): name = self.nameStack[i] if name in (">", ")"): leftMostComma = 0 if leftMostComma == 0 and name == ",": leftMostComma = i # Is it really a list of variables? if leftMostComma != 0: trace_print( "Multiple variables for namestack in", self.nameStack, ". Separating processing", ) orig_nameStack = self.nameStack[:] type_nameStack = orig_nameStack[: leftMostComma - 1] for name in orig_nameStack[leftMostComma - 1 :: 2]: self.nameStack = type_nameStack + [name] self._evaluate_property_stack( clearStack=False, addToVar=addToVar ) return newVar = CppVariable( self.nameStack, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), ) newVar["namespace"] = self.current_namespace() newVar["linkage"] = self.cur_linkage() if self.curClass: klass = self.classes[self.curClass] klass["properties"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(newVar) newVar["property_of_class"] = klass["name"] newVar["parent"] = klass parseHistory.append( {"braceDepth": self.braceDepth, "item_type": "variable", "item": newVar} ) if addToVar: newVar.update(addToVar) else: debug_print("Found Global variable") newVar = CppVariable( self.nameStack, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), ) newVar["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace(False) newVar["linkage"] = self.cur_linkage() if addToVar: newVar.update(addToVar) self.variables.append(newVar) if clearStack: self.stack = [] # CLEAR STACK self.stmtTokens = [] def _evaluate_class_stack(self): """Create a Class out of the name stack (but not its parts)""" # dont support sub classes today # print( 'eval class stack', self.nameStack ) parent = self.curClass if parent: debug_print("found nested subclass") self.accessSpecifierStack.append(self.curAccessSpecifier) # When dealing with typedefed structs, get rid of typedef keyword to handle later on if self.nameStack[0] == "typedef": del self.nameStack[0] if len(self.nameStack) == 1: if self.nameStack[0] == "struct": self.anon_struct_counter += 1 # We cant handle more than 1 anonymous struct, so name them uniquely self.nameStack.append("anon-struct-%d" % self.anon_struct_counter) elif self.nameStack[0] == "union": self.anon_union_counter += 1 # We cant handle more than 1 anonymous union, so name them uniquely self.nameStack.append("anon-union-%d" % self.anon_union_counter) elif self.nameStack[0] == "class": self.anon_class_counter += 1 # We cant handle more than 1 anonymous class, so name them uniquely self.nameStack.append("anon-class-%d" % self.anon_class_counter) if self.nameStack[0] == "class": self.curAccessSpecifier = "private" else: # struct/union self.curAccessSpecifier = "public" debug_print( "curAccessSpecifier changed/defaulted to %s", self.curAccessSpecifier ) if self.nameStack[0] == "union": newClass = CppUnion( self.nameStack, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), ) else: newClass = CppClass( self.nameStack, self.curTemplate, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(self.nameStack), self.curAccessSpecifier, ) self.curTemplate = None newClass["declaration_method"] = self.nameStack[0] newClass["linkage"] = self.cur_linkage() self.classes_order.append(newClass) # good idea to save ordering self.stack = [] # fixes if class declared with ';' in closing brace self.stmtTokens = [] classKey = newClass["name"] if parent: newClass["namespace"] = self.classes[parent]["namespace"] + "::" + parent newClass["parent"] = self.classes[parent] newClass["access_in_parent"] = self.accessSpecifierStack[-1] self.classes[parent]["nested_classes"].append(newClass) ## supports nested classes with the same name ## self.curClass = key = parent + "::" + classKey self._classes_brace_level[key] = self.braceDepth elif newClass["parent"]: # nested class defined outside of parent. A::B {...} pcls = newClass["parent"] parent = pcls["name"] newClass["namespace"] = pcls["namespace"] + "::" + parent pcls["nested_classes"].append(newClass) ## supports nested classes with the same name ## self.curClass = key = parent + "::" + classKey self._classes_brace_level[key] = self.braceDepth else: newClass["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace() self.curClass = key = classKey self._classes_brace_level[classKey] = self.braceDepth if not key.endswith("::") and not key.endswith(" ") and len(key) != 0: if key in self.classes: trace_print("ERROR name collision:", key) self.classes[key].show() assert key not in self.classes # namespace collision self.classes[key] = newClass global parseHistory parseHistory.append( {"braceDepth": self.braceDepth, "item_type": "class", "item": newClass} ) def evalute_forward_decl(self): trace_print("FORWARD DECL", self.nameStack) assert self.nameStack[0] in ("class", "struct") name = self.nameStack[-1] if self.curClass: klass = self.classes[self.curClass] klass["forward_declares"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(name) if self.curAccessSpecifier == "public": klass._public_forward_declares.append(name) else: self._forward_decls[name] = self.current_namespace() # fmt: off _namestack_append_tokens = { "{", "}", "[", "]", "=", ",", "\\", "DIVIDE", "|", "%", "^", "!", "NUMBER", "FLOAT_NUMBER", "-", "+", "STRING_LITERAL", "ELLIPSIS", "DBL_COLON", "SHIFT_LEFT", } _namestack_pass_tokens = { "'", "." # preserve behaviour and eat individual fullstops } _namestack_str_tokens = { "NAME", "&", "*", "<", ">", "CHAR_LITERAL" } # fmt: on
[docs]class CppHeader(_CppHeader): """Parsed C++ class header""" IGNORE_NAMES = "__extension__".split()
[docs] def show(self): for className in list(self.classes.keys()): self.classes[className].show()
def __init__( self, headerFileName, argType="file", encoding=None, preprocessed=False, **kwargs ): """Create the parsed C++ header file parse tree headerFileName - Name of the file to parse OR actual file contents (depends on argType) argType - Indicates how to interpret headerFileName as a file string or file name kwargs - Supports the following keywords """ ## reset global state ## CppVariable.Vars = [] if argType == "file": self.headerFileName = os.path.expandvars(headerFileName) self.mainClass = os.path.split(self.headerFileName)[1][:-2] headerFileStr = "" elif argType == "string": self.headerFileName = "" self.mainClass = "???" headerFileStr = headerFileName else: raise Exception("Arg type must be either file or string") self.curClass = "" # nested classes have parent::nested, but no extra namespace, # this keeps the API compatible, TODO proper namespace for everything. Resolver.CLASSES = {} #: Dictionary of classes found in the header file. The key is the name #: of the class, value is :class:`.CppClass` self.classes = Resolver.CLASSES #: List of free functions as :class:`.CppMethod` self.functions = [] #: List of #pragma directives found as strings self.pragmas = [] #: List of pragmas with location information self.pragmas_detail = [] #: List of #define directives found self.defines = [] #: List of #define directives found, with location information self.defines_detail = [] #: List of #include directives found self.includes = [] #: List of #include directives found with location information self.includes_detail = [] #: Filenames encountered in #line directives while parsing self.headerFileNames = [] self._precomp_macro_buf = ( [] ) # for internal purposes, will end up filling out pragmras and defines at the end #: List of enums in this header as :class:`.CppEnum` self.enums = [] self.extern_templates = [] #: List of variables in this header as :class:`.CppVariable` self.variables = [] self.global_enums = {} self.nameStack = [] #: Namespaces in this header self.nameSpaces = [] self.curAccessSpecifier = "private" # private is default self.curTemplate = None self.accessSpecifierStack = [] self.linkage_stack = [] debug_print( "curAccessSpecifier changed/defaulted to %s", self.curAccessSpecifier ) self.initextra() # Old namestacks for a given level self.nameStackHistory = [] self.anon_struct_counter = 0 self.anon_union_counter = 0 self.anon_class_counter = 0 #: Using directives in this header outside of class scope: key is #: full name for lookup, value is :class:`.CppVariable` self.using = {} if len(self.headerFileName): fd =, "r", encoding=encoding) headerFileStr = "".join(fd.readlines()) fd.close() # Make sure supportedAccessSpecifier are sane for i in range(0, len(supportedAccessSpecifier)): if " " not in supportedAccessSpecifier[i]: continue supportedAccessSpecifier[i] = re.sub( "[ ]+", " ", supportedAccessSpecifier[i] ).strip() if not preprocessed: # Change multi line #defines and expressions to single lines maintaining line nubmers # Based from matches = re.findall(r"(?m)^(?:.*\\\r?\n)+.*$", headerFileStr) is_define = re.compile(r"[ \t\v]*#[Dd][Ee][Ff][Ii][Nn][Ee]") for m in matches: # Keep the newlines so that linecount doesnt break num_newlines = len([a for a in m if a == "\n"]) if is_define.match(m): new_m = m.replace( "\n", "<CppHeaderParser_newline_temp_replacement>\\n" ) else: # Just expression taking up multiple lines, make it take 1 line for easier parsing new_m = m.replace("\\\n", " ") if num_newlines > 0: new_m += "\n" * (num_newlines) headerFileStr = headerFileStr.replace(m, new_m) # Filter out any ignore symbols that end with "()" to account for #define magic functions for ignore in ignoreSymbols: if not ignore.endswith("()"): continue while True: locStart = headerFileStr.find(ignore[:-1]) if locStart == -1: break locEnd = None # Now walk till we find the last paren and account for sub parens parenCount = 1 inQuotes = False for i in range(locStart + len(ignore) - 1, len(headerFileStr)): c = headerFileStr[i] if not inQuotes: if c == "(": parenCount += 1 elif c == ")": parenCount -= 1 elif c == '"': inQuotes = True if parenCount == 0: locEnd = i + 1 break else: if c == '"' and headerFileStr[i - 1] != "\\": inQuotes = False if locEnd: # Strip it out but keep the linecount the same so line numbers are right match_str = headerFileStr[locStart:locEnd] debug_print("Striping out '%s'", match_str) num_newlines = len([a for a in match_str if a == "\n"]) headerFileStr = headerFileStr.replace( headerFileStr[locStart:locEnd], "\n" * num_newlines ) self.braceDepth = 0 self.braceReason = [] self.lastBraceReason = _BRACE_REASON_OTHER lex = Lexer(self.headerFileName) lex.input(headerFileStr) self.lex = lex self.headerFileNames = lex.filenames # # A note on parsing methodology # # The idea here is to consume as many tokens as needed to determine # what the thing is that we're parsing. While some items can be identified # early, typically the code below consumes until a '{', '}', or ; and # then looks at the accumulated tokens to figure out what it is. # # Unfortunately, the code isn't always particularly consistent (but # it's slowly getting there!), so take this with a grain of salt. # self._doxygen_cache = None self.braceHandled = False tok = None self.stmtTokens = [] parenDepth = 0 try: while True: tok = lex.token(eof_ok=True) if not tok: break tok.value = TagStr(tok.value, location=tok.location) debug_print("TOK: %s", tok) if tok.type == "NAME": if tok.value in self.IGNORE_NAMES: continue elif tok.value == "template": self._doxygen_cache = self.lex.get_doxygen() self._parse_template() continue elif tok.value == "alignas": self._doxygen_cache = self.lex.get_doxygen() self._parse_attribute_specifier_seq(tok) continue elif tok.value == "__attribute__": self._doxygen_cache = self.lex.get_doxygen() self._parse_gcc_attribute() continue elif not self.stack and tok.value == "static_assert": self._next_token_must_be("(") self._discard_contents("(", ")") continue elif tok.type == "DBL_LBRACKET": self._doxygen_cache = self.lex.get_doxygen() self._parse_attribute_specifier_seq(tok) continue # TODO: get rid of stack, move to stmtTokens self.stack.append(tok.value) self.stmtTokens.append(tok) nslen = len(self.nameStack) if tok.type in ("PRECOMP_MACRO", "PRECOMP_MACRO_CONT"): debug_print("PRECOMP: %s", tok) self._precomp_macro_buf.append((tok.value, tok.location)) self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] self.nameStack = [] continue if parenDepth == 0 and tok.type == "{": self.lastBraceReason = _BRACE_REASON_OTHER if len(self.nameStack) >= 2 and is_namespace( self.nameStack ): # namespace {} with no name used in boost, this sets default? self.nameSpaces.append("".join(self.nameStack[1:])) ns = self.cur_namespace() self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] if ns not in self.namespaces: self.namespaces.append(ns) self.lastBraceReason = _BRACE_REASON_NS # Detect special condition of macro magic before class declaration so we # can filter it out elif "class" in self.nameStack and self.nameStack[0] != "class": classLocationNS = self.nameStack.index("class") classLocationS = self.stack.index("class") if ( "(" not in self.nameStack[classLocationNS:] and self.nameStack[classLocationNS - 1] != "enum" ): debug_print( "keyword 'class' found in unexpected location in nameStack, must be following #define magic. Process that before moving on" ) origNameStack = self.nameStack origStack = self.stack # Process first part of stack which is probably #define macro magic and may cause issues self.nameStack = self.nameStack[:classLocationNS] self.stack = self.stack[:classLocationS] try: self._evaluate_stack() except: debug_print("Error processing #define magic... Oh well") # Process rest of stack self.nameStack = origNameStack[classLocationNS:] self.stack = origStack[classLocationS:] # If set to True, indicates that the callee consumed # all of the tokens between { and } self.braceHandled = False if self.nameStack: self._evaluate_stack() if self.stack and self.stack[0] == "class": self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] if not self.braceHandled: self.braceDepth += 1 self.braceReason.append(self.lastBraceReason) elif parenDepth == 0 and tok.type == "}": if self.braceDepth == 0: continue reason = self.braceReason.pop() if reason == _BRACE_REASON_NS: self.nameSpaces.pop() self.stack = [] # clear stack when namespace ends? self.stmtTokens = [] elif reason == _BRACE_REASON_EXTERN: self.linkage_stack.pop() self.stack = [] # clear stack when linkage ends? self.stmtTokens = [] else: self._evaluate_stack() self.braceDepth -= 1 # if self.curClass: # debug_print( # "CURBD %s", self._classes_brace_level[self.curClass] # ) if (self.braceDepth == 0) or ( self.curClass and self._classes_brace_level[self.curClass] == self.braceDepth ): trace_print("END OF CLASS DEF") if self.accessSpecifierStack: self.curAccessSpecifier = self.accessSpecifierStack[-1] self.accessSpecifierStack = self.accessSpecifierStack[:-1] if self.curClass and self.classes[self.curClass]["parent"]: thisClass = self.classes[self.curClass] self.curClass = self.curClass[ : -(len(thisClass["name"]) + 2) ] # Detect anonymous union members if ( self.curClass and thisClass["declaration_method"] == "union" and thisClass["name"].startswith("<") and self.lex.token_if(";") ): debug_print("Creating anonymous union") # Force the processing of an anonymous union self.nameStack = [""] self.stack = self.nameStack + [";"] debug_print("pre eval anon stack") self._evaluate_stack(";") debug_print("post eval anon stack") self.stack = [] self.nameStack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] else: self.curClass = "" self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] elif tok.type in _namestack_append_tokens: self.nameStack.append(tok.value) nameStackAppended = True elif tok.type in _namestack_pass_tokens: pass elif tok.type in _namestack_str_tokens: if tok.value in ignoreSymbols: debug_print("Ignore symbol %s", tok.value) elif tok.value == "class": self.nameStack.append(tok.value) else: self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif tok.type == ":": if self.nameStack and self.nameStack[0] in supportedAccessSpecifier: specifier = " ".join(self.nameStack) if specifier in supportedAccessSpecifier: self.curAccessSpecifier = specifier else: self.curAccessSpecifier = self.nameStack[0] debug_print( "curAccessSpecifier updated to %s", self.curAccessSpecifier ) self.nameStack = [] self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] elif is_method_namestack(self.stack): debug_print("trace") self._evaluate_method_stack() self.nameStack = [] self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] else: self.nameStack.append(tok.value) elif tok.type == ";": self._evaluate_stack(tok.type) self.stack = [] self.nameStack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] elif tok.type == "(": parenDepth += 1 self.nameStack.append(tok.value) nameStackAppended = True elif tok.type == ")": self.nameStack.append(tok.value) nameStackAppended = True if parenDepth != 0: parenDepth -= 1 newNsLen = len(self.nameStack) if nslen != newNsLen and newNsLen == 1: if not self._doxygen_cache: self._doxygen_cache = self.lex.get_doxygen() except Exception as e: if debug: raise context = "" if isinstance(e, CppParseError): context = ": " + str(e) if e.tok: tok = e.tok if tok: filename, lineno = tok.location msg = ( "Not able to parse %s on line %d evaluating '%s'%s\nError around: %s" % (filename, lineno, tok.value, context, " ".join(self.nameStack)) ) else: msg = "Error parsing %s%s\nError around: %s" % ( self.headerFileName, context, " ".join(self.nameStack), ) raise_exc( CppParseError(msg), e, ) self.finalize() global parseHistory parseHistory = [] # Delete some temporary variables for key in [ "_precomp_macro_buf", "_doxygen_cache", "braceHandled", "lex", "nameStack", "nameSpaces", "curAccessSpecifier", "accessSpecifierStack", "nameStackHistory", "anon_struct_counter", "anon_union_counter", "anon_class_counter", "_classes_brace_level", "_forward_decls", "stack", "mainClass", "_template_typenames", "braceDepth", "stmtTokens", "typedefs_order", "curTemplate", ]: del self.__dict__[key] def _get_location(self, stack): if stack: location = getattr(stack[0], "location", None) if location is not None: return location return self.lex.current_location() def _get_stmt_doxygen(self): # retrieves the doxygen comment associated with an accumulated # statement (since doxygen comments have to be retrieved immediately) doxygen, self._doxygen_cache = self._doxygen_cache, "" if not doxygen: doxygen = self.lex.get_doxygen() return doxygen def _parse_error(self, tokens, expected): if not tokens: # common case after a failed token_if errtok = self.lex.token() else: errtok = tokens[-1] if expected: expected = ", expected '" + expected + "'" msg = "unexpected '%s'%s" % (errtok.value, expected) # TODO: better error message return CppParseError(msg, errtok) def _next_token_must_be(self, *tokenTypes): tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type not in tokenTypes: raise self._parse_error((tok,), "' or '".join(tokenTypes)) return tok _end_balanced_tokens = {">", "}", "]", ")", "DBL_RBRACKET"} _balanced_token_map = { "<": ">", "{": "}", "(": ")", "[": "]", "DBL_LBRACKET": "DBL_RBRACKET", } def _consume_balanced_tokens(self, *init_tokens): _balanced_token_map = self._balanced_token_map consumed = list(init_tokens) match_stack = deque((_balanced_token_map[tok.type] for tok in consumed)) get_token = self.lex.token while True: tok = get_token() consumed.append(tok) if tok.type in self._end_balanced_tokens: expected = match_stack.pop() if tok.type != expected: # hack: ambiguous right-shift issues here, really # should be looking at the context if tok.type == ">": tok = self.lex.token_if(">") if tok: consumed.append(tok) match_stack.append(expected) continue raise self._parse_error(consumed, expected) if len(match_stack) == 0: return consumed continue next_end = _balanced_token_map.get(tok.type) if next_end: match_stack.append(next_end) def _discard_contents(self, start_type, end_type): # use this instead of consume_balanced_tokens because # we don't care at all about the internals level = 1 get_token = self.lex.token while True: tok = get_token() if tok.type == start_type: level += 1 elif tok.type == end_type: level -= 1 if level == 0: break def _discard_ctor_initializer(self): """ ctor_initializer: ":" mem_initializer_list mem_initializer_list: mem_initializer ["..."] | mem_initializer "," mem_initializer_list ["..."] mem_initializer: mem_initializer_id "(" [expression_list] ")" | mem_initializer_id braced_init_list mem_initializer_id: class_or_decltype | IDENTIFIER """ debug_print("discarding ctor intializer") # all of this is discarded.. the challenge is to determine # when the initializer ends and the function starts while True: tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type == "DBL_COLON": tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type == "decltype": tok = self._next_token_must_be("(") self._consume_balanced_tokens(tok) tok = self.lex.token() # each initializer is either foo() or foo{}, so look for that while True: if tok.type not in ("{", "("): tok = self.lex.token() continue if tok.type == "{": self._discard_contents("{", "}") elif tok.type == "(": self._discard_contents("(", ")") tok = self.lex.token() break # at the end if tok.type == "ELLIPSIS": tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type == ",": continue elif tok.type == "{": # reached the function self._discard_contents("{", "}") return else: raise self._parse_error((tok,), ",' or '{") def _evaluate_stack(self, token=None): """Evaluates the current name stack""" nameStackCopy = self.nameStack[:] debug_print( "Evaluating stack %s\n BraceDepth: %s (called from %s)", self.nameStack, self.braceDepth, debug_caller_lineno, ) # Handle special case of overloading operator () if "operator()(" in "".join(self.nameStack): operator_index = self.nameStack.index("operator") self.nameStack.pop(operator_index + 2) self.nameStack.pop(operator_index + 1) self.nameStack[operator_index] = "operator()" if len(self.curClass): debug_print("%s (%s) ", self.curClass, self.curAccessSpecifier) else: debug_print("<anonymous> (%s) ", self.curAccessSpecifier) # Filter special case of array with casting in it try: bracePos = self.nameStack.index("[") parenPos = self.nameStack.index("(") if bracePos == parenPos - 1: endParen = self.nameStack.index(")") self.nameStack = ( self.nameStack[: bracePos + 1] + self.nameStack[endParen + 1 :] ) debug_print("Filtered namestack to=%s", self.nameStack) except: pass # if 'typedef' in self.nameStack: self._evaluate_typedef() # allows nested typedefs, probably a bad idea if ( not self.curClass and "typedef" in self.nameStack and ( ( "struct" not in self.nameStack and "union" not in self.nameStack and "enum" not in self.nameStack ) or self.stack[-1] == ";" ) ): debug_print("trace") trace_print("typedef", self.stack) self._evaluate_typedef() return elif len(self.nameStack) == 0: debug_print("trace (Empty Stack)") return elif self.nameStack[0] == "namespace": # Taken care of outside of here pass elif len(self.nameStack) == 2 and self.nameStack[0] == "extern": debug_print("trace extern") self.linkage_stack.append(self.nameStack[1].strip('"')) self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] self.lastBraceReason = _BRACE_REASON_EXTERN elif ( len(self.nameStack) == 2 and self.nameStack[0] == "friend" ): # friend class declaration pass elif len(self.nameStack) >= 2 and self.nameStack[0] == "using": if self.nameStack[1] == "namespace": pass else: if len(self.nameStack) > 3 and self.nameStack[2] == "=": # using foo = ns::bar # -> type alias: same behavior in all scopes alias = self.nameStack[1] ns, stack = _split_namespace(self.nameStack[3:]) atype = CppVariable( stack, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(stack), is_var=False, ) # namespace refers to the embedded type atype["namespace"] = ns atype["using_type"] = "typealias" atype["typealias"] = alias else: # using foo::bar # -> in global scope this is bringing in something # from a different namespace # -> in class scope this is bringing in a member # from a base class ns, stack = _split_namespace(self.nameStack[1:]) atype = CppVariable( stack, self._get_stmt_doxygen(), self._get_location(stack), is_var=False, ) alias = atype["type"] atype["using_type"] = "declaration" if self.curClass: atype["baseclass"] = ns else: atype["namespace"] = ns atype["template"] = self.curTemplate self.curTemplate = None if atype["type"].startswith("typename "): atype["raw_type"] = "typename " + ns + atype["type"][9:] else: atype["raw_type"] = ns + atype["type"] atype["access"] = self.curAccessSpecifier if self.curClass: klass = self.classes[self.curClass] klass["using"][alias] = atype else: # lookup is done alias = self.current_namespace() + alias self.using[alias] = atype elif is_method_namestack(self.stack) and "(" in self.nameStack: debug_print("trace") self._evaluate_method_stack() elif is_enum_namestack(self.nameStack): debug_print("trace") self._parse_enum() self.stack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] elif ( len(self.nameStack) == 1 and len(self.nameStackHistory) > self.braceDepth and ( self.nameStackHistory[self.braceDepth][0][0:2] == ["typedef", "struct"] or self.nameStackHistory[self.braceDepth][0][0:2] == ["typedef", "union"] ) ): # Look for the name of a typedef struct: struct typedef {...] StructName; or unions to get renamed debug_print("found the naming of a union") type_name_to_rename = self.nameStackHistory[self.braceDepth][1] new_name = self.nameStack[0] type_to_rename = self.classes[type_name_to_rename] type_to_rename["name"] = self.nameStack[0] # Now re install it in its new location self.classes[new_name] = type_to_rename if new_name != type_name_to_rename: del self.classes[type_name_to_rename] elif is_property_namestack(self.nameStack) and self.stack[-1] == ";": debug_print("trace") if self.nameStack[0] in ("class", "struct") and len(self.stack) == 3: self.evalute_forward_decl() elif len(self.nameStack) >= 2 and ( self.nameStack[0] == "friend" and self.nameStack[1] == "class" ): pass else: self._evaluate_property_stack() # catches class props and structs in a namespace elif ( self.nameStack[0] in ("class", "struct", "union") or self.nameStack[0] == "typedef" and self.nameStack[1] in ("struct", "union") ): # Parsing a union can reuse much of the class parsing debug_print("trace") self._evaluate_class_stack() elif not self.curClass: debug_print("trace") elif self.braceDepth < 1: debug_print("trace") # Ignore global stuff for now debug_print("Global stuff: %s" % self.nameStack) elif self.braceDepth > len(self.nameSpaces) + 1: debug_print("trace") else: debug_print("Discarded statement %s", self.nameStack) try: self.nameStackHistory[self.braceDepth] = (nameStackCopy, self.curClass) except: self.nameStackHistory.append((nameStackCopy, self.curClass)) # its a little confusing to have some if/else above return and others not, and then clearning the nameStack down here self.nameStack = [] self._doxygen_cache = None self.curTemplate = None def _parse_template(self): # check for 'extern template' extern_template = False if len(self.stmtTokens) == 1 and self.stmtTokens[0].value == "extern": extern_template = True tok = self._next_token_must_be("NAME") if not tok.value == "class": raise self._parse_error((tok,), "class") tok = self._next_token_must_be("NAME") if tok.value == "__attribute__": self._parse_gcc_attribute() tok = self._next_token_must_be("NAME") extern_template_name = tok.value tok = self._next_token_must_be("<") consumed = self._consume_balanced_tokens(tok) tmpl = " ".join(tok.value for tok in consumed) tmpl = ( tmpl.replace(" :: ", "::") .replace(" <", "<") .replace("< ", "<") .replace(" >", ">") .replace("> ", ">") .replace(" , ", ", ") .replace(" = ", "=") ) if extern_template: self.extern_templates.append( CppExternTemplate( name=extern_template_name, params=tmpl, namespace=self.cur_namespace(), ) ) self.stack = [] self.nameStack = [] self.stmtTokens = [] else: self.curTemplate = "template" + tmpl def _parse_gcc_attribute(self): tok1 = self._next_token_must_be("(") tok2 = self._next_token_must_be("(") self._consume_balanced_tokens(tok1, tok2) _attribute_specifier_seq_start_types = ("DBL_LBRACKET", "NAME") _attribute_specifier_seq_start_values = ("[[", "alignas") def _parse_attribute_specifier_seq(self, tok): # TODO: retain the attributes and do something with them # attrs = [] while True: if tok.type == "DBL_LBRACKET": tokens = self._consume_balanced_tokens(tok) # attrs.append(Attribute(tokens)) elif tok.type == "NAME" and tok.value == "alignas": next_tok = self._next_token_must_be("(") tokens = self._consume_balanced_tokens(next_tok) # attrs.append(AlignasAttribute(tokens)) else: self.lex.return_token(tok) break # multiple attributes can be specified tok = self.lex.token_if(*self._attribute_specifier_seq_start_types) if tok is None: break # return attrs def _parse_enum(self): """ opaque_enum_declaration: enum_key [attribute_specifier_seq] IDENTIFIER [enum_base] ";" enum_specifier: enum_head "{" [enumerator_list] "}" | enum_head "{" enumerator_list "," "}" enum_head: enum_key [attribute_specifier_seq] [IDENTIFIER] [enum_base] | enum_key [attribute_specifier_seq] nested_name_specifier IDENTIFIER [enum_base] enum_key: "enum" | "enum" "class" | "enum" "struct" enum_base: ":" type_specifier_seq """ debug_print("parsing enum") is_typedef = False self.lex.return_tokens(self.stmtTokens) doxygen = self._get_stmt_doxygen() tok = self.lex.token() if tok.value == "typedef": is_typedef = True tok = self.lex.token() if tok.value != "enum": raise self._parse_error((tok,), "enum") location = tok.location is_class = False nametok = self.lex.token() if nametok.value in ("class", "struct"): is_class = True nametok = self.lex.token() if nametok.value == "__attribute__": self._parse_gcc_attribute() nametok = self.lex.token() if nametok.value in self._attribute_specifier_seq_start_values: self._parse_attribute_specifier_seq(nametok) nametok = self.lex.token() # TODO: nested_name_specifier name = "" if nametok.type == "NAME": name = nametok.value debug_print("enum name is '%s'", name) tok = self.lex.token() else: debug_print("anonymous enum") tok = nametok base = [] if tok.type == ":": while True: tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type in ("{", ";"): break base.append(tok.value) newEnum = CppEnum(name, doxygen, location) if is_typedef: newEnum["typedef"] = True if is_class: newEnum["isclass"] = True if base: newEnum["type"] = "".join(base) instancesData = [] if tok.type == "{": self.braceHandled = True self._parse_enumerator_list(newEnum["values"]) newEnum.resolve_enum_values(newEnum["values"]) tok = self.lex.token() if tok.value == "__attribute__": self._parse_gcc_attribute() tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type == "NAME": if newEnum["typedef"]: newEnum["name"] = tok.value self._next_token_must_be(";") else: # this is an instance of the enum instancesData.append(tok.value) while True: tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type == ";": break instancesData.append(tok.value) elif tok.type != ";": raise self._parse_error((tok,), ";") self._install_enum(newEnum, instancesData) def _install_enum(self, newEnum, instancesData): if len(self.curClass): newEnum["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace(False) newEnum["linkage"] = self.cur_linkage() klass = self.classes[self.curClass] klass["enums"][self.curAccessSpecifier].append(newEnum) if self.curAccessSpecifier == "public" and "name" in newEnum: klass._public_enums[newEnum["name"]] = newEnum else: newEnum["namespace"] = self.cur_namespace(True) newEnum["linkage"] = self.cur_linkage() self.enums.append(newEnum) if "name" in newEnum and newEnum["name"]: self.global_enums[newEnum["name"]] = newEnum # This enum has instances, turn them into properties if instancesData: instances = list(_split_by_comma(instancesData)) instanceType = "enum" if "name" in newEnum: instanceType = newEnum["name"] addToVar = {"enum_type": newEnum} for instance in instances: self.nameStack = [instanceType] + instance self._evaluate_property_stack(clearStack=False, addToVar=addToVar) def _parse_enumerator_list(self, values): """ enumerator_list: enumerator_definition | enumerator_list "," enumerator_definition enumerator_definition: enumerator | enumerator "=" constant_expression enumerator: IDENTIFIER """ while True: name_tok = self._next_token_must_be("}", "NAME") if name_tok.value == "}": return value = {"name": name_tok.value} doxygen = self.lex.get_doxygen() if doxygen: value["doxygen"] = doxygen values.append(value) debug_print("enumerator value '%s'", value["name"]) tok = self._next_token_must_be("}", ",", "=", "DBL_LBRACKET") if tok.type == "DBL_LBRACKET": self._parse_attribute_specifier_seq(tok) tok = self._next_token_must_be("}", ",", "=") if tok.type == "}": return elif tok.type == ",": continue elif tok.type == "=": v = [] while True: tok = self.lex.token() if tok.type == "}": value["value"] = " ".join(v) return elif tok.type == ",": value["value"] = " ".join(v) break elif tok.type in self._balanced_token_map: v.extend(t.value for t in self._consume_balanced_tokens(tok)) else: v.append(tok.value) def _strip_parent_keys(self): """Strip all parent (and method) keys to prevent loops""" obj_queue = [self] while len(obj_queue): obj = obj_queue.pop() trace_print("pop", obj, "type", type(obj)) try: if "parent" in obj.keys(): del obj["parent"] trace_print("Stripped parent from", obj.keys()) except: pass try: if "method" in obj.keys(): del obj["method"] trace_print("Stripped method from", obj.keys()) except: pass # Figure out what sub types are one of ours try: if not hasattr(obj, "keys"): obj = obj.__dict__ for k in obj.keys(): trace_print("-Try key", k) trace_print("-type", type(obj[k])) if k in ["nameStackHistory", "parent", "_public_typedefs"]: continue if type(obj[k]) == list: for i in obj[k]: trace_print("push l", i) obj_queue.append(i) elif type(obj[k]) == dict: if len(obj): trace_print("push d", obj[k]) obj_queue.append(obj[k]) elif type(obj[k]) == type(type(0)): if type(obj[k]) == int: obj[k] = "int" elif type(obj[k]) == str: obj[k] = "string" else: obj[k] = "???" trace_print("next key\n") except: trace_print("Exception")
[docs] def toJSON(self, indent=4, separators=None): """Converts a parsed structure to JSON""" import json self._strip_parent_keys() def clean_dict(markers, keys=[]): if id(markers) in keys: return None elif isinstance(markers, dict): keys_ = keys + [id(markers)] return { key: clean_dict(markers[key], keys_) for key, value in markers.items() } elif type(markers) in [list, set, tuple]: return type(markers)(clean_dict(m, keys) for m in markers) return markers try: del self.__dict__["classes_order"] except: pass d = self.__dict__ d["classes"] = clean_dict(d["classes"]) return json.dumps(d, indent=indent, separators=separators, default="")
def __repr__(self): rtn = { "classes": self.classes, "functions": self.functions, "enums": self.enums, "variables": self.variables, } return repr(rtn) def __str__(self): rtn = "" for className in list(self.classes.keys()): rtn += "%s\n" % self.classes[className] if self.functions: rtn += "// functions\n" for f in self.functions: rtn += "%s\n" % f if self.variables: rtn += "// variables\n" for f in self.variables: rtn += "%s\n" % f if self.enums: rtn += "// enums\n" for f in self.enums: rtn += "%s\n" % f return rtn